Friday, 28 October 2016

Beating Back The Beast - week two , day six

Still chocolate continues to haunt me. I was sitting getting my hair done today at the salon when, I was getting hungry as it neared lunchtime and what should come on the radio but an advert for Whittaker's chocolate. If it had been a Cadbury ad I could have blank it out, but no it was a Whittaker's ad! the chocolate of the gods! The salon is two stores down from the Four Square ( mini mart) one of my local chocolate dealers.

When I left the salon the pull of the dealer was strong in me. I almost turned to my left, almost! My head did turn and my stomach rumbled but my feet beat a hasty path to my vehicle. Quickly I let myself in and started the engine, as I drove past the store I steadfastly held my gaze on the road not daring to glance sideways in case my hands turned the truck back to the curb in front of the dealer.

I made it home, crisis averted.

But we have my mother in law staying for a few days and it was roast night, so my daughter brought home a bottle of wine. Not just any wine but my favourite wine.

Wine is not Chocolate!

Wine was drunk.

I know this is bad but it was not chocolate. This can be stopped after one glass, chocolate cannot. Except tomorrow night we celebrate my daughters new perhaps another glass! But at least it's not chocolate.

Today's work out as follows;
100 punches with 2kg dumbells
30 situps
25 squats w/ 2kg dumbells
50 calf raises w/ 2kg dumbells
20 sprawls
25 bicep curls w/ 2kg dumbells
20 shoulder-flys w/2kg dumbells
1 minute plank.

Workout was perhaps too light but I am taking care of the elbow and  knee at present. Hopefully soon the inflammation will abate and I can push the workouts up.
Roast lamb, kumara and salad.

The effects of a small glass of wine when one no longer drinks much.

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