Saturday, 8 October 2016

Beating Back the Beast - day one

The alarm went this morning and I gave a silent groan. It was only degrees 3C outside and my bed was so warm. One of the nasty little tricks the beast plays on the body is to lower the core temperature. So morning temperatures in the midst of a flare up are around 35C about 2.5 degrees below normal. So the sufferer of Hashimoto's is almost always cold. One of the things that drives my husband mad is that I will be wearing my puffer jacket in 24C while everyone else is in shorts and t-shirts. Suffice it to say it is extremely hard to drag my sorry butt out of bed when the temperature outside is below 10C.

But I did drag myself from my bed and I swapped my fleecey P.J's for my lightweight training clothes. I did my usual karate loosen up and then I grabbed my running partners and headed out to the forest. Now my partners were not all that willing. They wanted to stay at the house, why? Because of the cold? No....because they are male hounds and the female hounds of the house are wearing their wonderful perfume the stuff that drives the boys wild. Finally I was able to convince them that a brisk run in the  morning air was just what the needed to work off their frustrations.

As we walked over to the forest the beast  reminded me of its presence. My joints ached and quite a few muscles called out their discomfort. I pushed back at the beast and told it these little things would not
stop me.

Together my partners and I walked and ran 1.6 k's this morning in the frigid air. My hands only just thawing out as I made my walk back across the paddock to house. I was definitely walking slower on the walk back. The last two runs were not much more than shuffling but I had survived it. I had beaten the beast today.

The boys on the other hand were moving much faster on their trip back to the house and their lovely smelling ladies. I did a silent eye roll and wished for their energy and enthusiasm.

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