On the twenty third of April 2017 I will reach the inauspicious milestone of fifty. As someone who has always looked to challenges and goals to motivate myself I have been finding this milestone a particularly troublesome one. You see not only am I turning fifty but I am also clocking up nearly thirty years with the auto immune disorder Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and for the last five years I have been struggling to win the daily battle with my monster.
I realise I have to go completely AIP (Auto Immune Paleo) with my diet if I am to conquer this beast but I have struggled to find a goal to give me the day to day motivation to beat it down and stick to this gruelling protocol.
Today I may have found my new challenge.
The last time I beat this beast into submission was when I wanted to attain my black belt in martial arts. I became very strict on my diet and worked through the daily pain and fatigue to attain my goals. Not only did
I reach my goals but my life became enriched by beating back the beast. I was able for the first time in over 15 years to participate in life and not just watch it go by without me.If there is one thing Hashimoto's will do it is to rob you of life and the ability to enjoy it. It steals your joy. I had taken back my joy.
In September of 2010 Canterbury was struck by the first of many large earthquakes. At the time I pushed through, I denied the stress I was under and I self medicated with chocolate and dairy products to help me combat the constant stress and anxiety the quakes invoked. In doing so I gave Hashimoto's all the ingredients it needed to insidiously take back control of my life and to put me in a permanent state of limbo once more.
I tried to fight back but the harder I fought the more my stress levels rose and the further I slipped back into the beasts grip. Then came the procrastination and the giving into the pain and the fatigue. It was all becoming too hard again. I was now writing and working on book projects, this allowed for me to sit at a computer and to excuse my lack of activity.
I struggled through teaching at my club and dragged myself through every class, physically and mentally. I wanted it to change but could not see past the pain. Another of the physical difficulties I face with the beast is I cannot do anything for more than a few reps. I can never truly even sit still as my muscles and joints will ache and scream at me if they are positioned in one place for too long. So I was beginning to lose hope of ever conquering the beast again.
This year though I discovered the AIP protocol and have had some success. Dairy is gone again and OMG how much better my body feels. I have more stamina but sugar has to go too. This one is a tough one, this is my addiction. This is my shame! I know that I should be stronger than this mentally but when my blood sugars crash and I want to tear the head of the first person who enters my vicinity I find it is more pleasant for every one if I am "medicated" with sugar.
Today I have found my challenge.
I have found the goal to motivate me, to get me through the turning fifty blues. I marshalled today at the Salmon Run. It is an relatively new event. There are several different event categories you can choose from to challenge you and take you outside your comfort zone. I marshalled on the long run which also took in the Duathlon and Multi sport competitors. I watched people of all abilities and ages run past me, from the uber competitive athletes to the people of much more advanced age than I. Instead of feeling resentful that the beast had held me down I felt inspired to once more tame it, beat it down and ride it to the finish line.
So here is my fighting fit at fifty challenge I am throwing down to myself. I am going to train for the next twelve months for this event. I know the beast is going to try and thwart me and with that in mind I am not going to commit to the 13k race yet. I will train for it and will do everything in my power to beat the beast but if I should not be truly victorious over it by October next year, I will do the 6k race instead.
Follow my journey here, I am going to share with you the trials and the tribulations of my journey. As a Martial Arts coach my career has been spent motivating and inspiring others to achieve the best they can be. Here I want to inspire myself and others not to give up, to keep fighting back. We all face trials in our lives, it is what makes the journey an interesting one but sometimes we need inspiration, we need to see that others too struggle, fall down and pick themselves back up again.
I prefer my privacy but I know having you all here watching and supporting me I will have a much better chance of beating back the beast. I need any advantage I can get in my battle, I will fall and I
will most certainly gripe about it but if there is one thing Martial Art has given me, it is the tenacity to never give up while there is breath in my body.
Fighting back at 50 and beating back the Beast!