Thursday, 3 November 2016

Beating Back the Beast - Three weeks, five days

I am fighting back! I didn't eat fruit for two days but the something is still feeding the Beast. I did fall off the wagon today and ate some fruit but otherwise I have stayed strong. I have found without the fruit I am shattered by the evenings, hence why I didn't post after class last night. I did train though and made it a short intense training.

I am going to look into sourcing supplements this week. I need to give my body what it isn't getting from my diet. Eating AIP is not an inexpensive way to live. It is costly and time consuming and then you need to purchase supplements to boost the intake of certain nutrients to help the body fight the constant battle against the beast. A good portion of my time this week will be chasing down supplements that don't contain fillers and tableting agents that feed the beast. No mean feat I can assure you.

The tendonitis I have been experiencing is a little relived today and I believe that is the removal of the fruit but it has not alleviated the swelling or the headaches. I do admit I know it takes longer than a couple of days but I do usually see a marked difference very quickly if it is a food reaction I am experiencing. There are a couple of things I suspect may be the irritants but I am resistant to removing them. The last two things I actually enjoy. That make eating a somewhat bearable experience.

I am hopeful that things will settle without removing them but it is most likely in vain.

Food is Fuel!

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