Thursday, 10 November 2016

Beating Back The Beast- four weeks six days

Where did it all begin? I have been doing some research trying to understand why the Beast chose me. Maybe I hope that in discovering the why, I may be closer to answering how! How do I rid myself of the Beast for good.

This research has led me to some interesting information. I will continue to follow these leads and try to uncover more information from further sources. The information I have been reading talks of autoimmune diseases and cancer and the exploding epidemic. It follows this back to the development of the polio vaccination.  Researchers developed two polio vaccines(inactivated and live) grown in cultures made from monkey kidneys. In the 50's these vaccines were given to million's of people around the world.

A cancer causing virus originating in monkeys , SV-40, was discovered in the polio vaccines. The same vaccines that had been administered to these millions of people. This virus SV-40 has been found in brain tumours, bone cancer, lung cancer and leukemia. It can be transmitted from mother to child in utero.

It was also found that the monkeys that were used to develop the polio vaccine were infected with the simian immune deficiency virus ( SIV). This virus is closely related to the (HIV) virus. There are researchers who question whether HIV may actually just be the SIV virus residing and adapting to its human hosts.

In 1996 microbiologist  Dr Howard B, Urnovitz spoke at a national AIDS conference. He revealed that up to 26 monkey viruses may have been in the original polio vaccines developed by Salk. This include the simian equivalents of the human echo cirus, Epstein Barr (EBV), coxsackie herpes(HHV-6, HHV7 and HHV8), adenoviruses and cytomegalovirus.  Dr Urnovitz believes the contaminated vaccines given to children between 1955 and 1961 may have set that generation up for immune system damage and neurological disorders. He found correlations between early vaccination campaigns and the sudden emergence of several cancers and  herpes, Epstein Barr and chronic fatigue syndrome.

 I myself have been found to have the Epstein Barr virus in my system. I have worked with Naturopath's to eliminate it. It was what was blamed early on for my chronic fatigue, prior to my diagnosis with Hashimoto's.
I have said this requires much more research on my behalf but as I research I believe it is important to share this information with everyone.

We are force fed immumisations, we are told it is for the good of all. We are pressured and blackmailed into giving these vaccinations to our precious children. If we question the safety of these vaccinations we are called out as uneducated, as irresponsible, but if we delve deeper into the epidemics of ill health that plagues us now, the conditions our grandparents and their parents never suffered from, we start to see startling patterns emerging.

So I leave you where I started....Where did this all begin. I believe it is our responsibility to ask questions, to look for our own answers. I know very well that modern medicine has no answers for me, at least not in this country. So I will look for my own. I do not want to look for conspiracy theories but the fact that we have to search ourselves for this information tells me a lot. There is a very lucrative industry built around autoimmune disorders and cancer. And pharmaceuticals? wow what an industry that is.

Today's workout was moving all the cinder-blocks so I could preparing the area for the garden.

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