Battle For Arohanui In a magical kingdom (Arohanui), ruled by the wise and gentle Wolfhounds of the royal house of Kuri te Aroha, a dark force rises. The queen's daughter Bridie commands the guard of the only passage into the kingdom but as vigilant as she and her ladies are, evil finds its entry into their stronghold. They must forge unexpected alliances with others of their kind, along with the magical and unusual creatures of the kingdom.
Saturday, 1 August 2015
A meeting with a haggis.
"What was that?" Dumfrees asked, completely gob-smacked at what he had witnessed.
"A haggis sir," Bridie said smiling at his and the knights’ expressions. "They live in the woods around the lakeside. Harmless creatures. They often play with the pups when they are little. They are quite fun really but they all bow down to this ridiculously pompous king. Who really is quite a twit. "
"They literally do bow down to him," Liffey added. "When we were pups and playing with the funny little hairballs you could be in full chase and they would suddenly stop fall to their knees and bow. I can not count how many times I had my legs taken out and tumbled across the ground because of it." Aidan sniggered at the image of Liffey tumbling across the ground. Liffey scowled at him under her eyebrows. - Battle For Arohanui -
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Thank you Helen :)