Monday, 5 December 2016

An Open Heart

To have an open and caring heart is more than just giving words to a situation. It is denoted by your actions; to your fellow man and to all living beings. This is not dependent upon their beliefs, their skin colour, their religion or their gender it is dependent only on how we accept difference.
Can anyone of us imagine our children or animals judging us on any one of the above categories? Many of us look to our children and our animals and often times wish human kind as adults could love so purely, so unconditionally. Yet those same people who claim to wish this for human kind are often the very first to judge and censor others.
If we wish to see change in the world around us, we must first be that change. We must look to our own hearts and wonder if indeed they are open or if our hearts are closed upon our beliefs and any who think, look or feel differently are to be judged, shunned or ridiculed.
The human race claims to be of higher intelligence, yet that seems to come at the price of peace, love and inclusiveness. Is it intelligent to disconnect with the world around us? Is there not a huge amount of arrogance in thinking our intelligence is greater than the laws of nature? That we know better because we have run a few studies? Nature has been running her studies for many an age, her experiment with us may be on the point of failure.
With open hearts we can all begin to accept the differences in the world around us. With love not hatred we can learn to live in the peace that we all crave. With open hearts we will not be the cause of another's pain and when we are free from causing pain to others we will truly reap the rewards of happiness.
Random acts of kindness will become the norm and not only to those that we deem the same as us. When we begin to reach out to those who challenge our hearts we will understand what love really is. When we hold on to friendships, even when we learn a friend is of a different belief or persuasion than we are, we will learn so much more about not only their beliefs but also about ourselves. We will grow as conscious loving beings.
Fear is the enemy of an open heart and personal growth. Let us not give in to fear, let us be courageous and fly in the face of fear, and love our neighbour no matter their differences to us. Let us reach out to that friend who is different to us and love them and care for them as fiercely as we did before we learnt of those differences. Let us love with the innocence of the child we once were.