Sunday, 10 July 2016

Review Battle for Arohanui by Nina Atkinson

Battle for Arohanui review (Spoilers) Before you dive into the review, you should probably know what type of reader I am. I am 13 years old and am obsessed with reading. I particularly enjoy books part of the Fantasy and Sci fi genres. I also enjoy reading books based on true events.

The Battle for Arohanui is an exciting and beautifully written fantasy adventure for readers of all ages. It is full of colourful characters, amazing landscapes and has a plot that will excite the imagination.

One of the many things that I loved about this book was its overall world and premise. I loved that instead of using typical, fantasy creatures such as humans, elves or ogres, van Vliet has created her own unique and special world unlike any other I've read or seen. The book takes place in the magical land of Arohanui, a world inhabited by the peaceful, but powerful goats, and their protectors are the Wolfhounds of the Royal House of Kuri te Aroha, who live in a magical kingdom with faeries and other woodland creatures. There are tons of fascinating and unique creatures, such as the fast talking haggises, to the gentle, lake dwelling womanatees. During the prologue of this book, van Vliet has made sure that we understand how the land of Arohanui works, and does an excellent job at setting the stage for the main storyline to take place.

The second thing I loved about this book were its characters. I absolutely fell in love with the characters such as the main heroine, Bridie, her mother and queen, Millie, and the charming knight Dumfrees. All these characters are relatable and well thought out, which personally is very important to any book I read. I hate it when I have to follow characters who I can't relate to, but van Vliet has made sure that that will never happen. With every victory the hounds had I felt their joy, as well as their sadness during times of tragedy. I also loved the villains too. The first antagonist we are introduced to (spoilers), is the vicious she-dragon, the queen of dragons responsible for the tragic, womanatee massacre that caused the Morosium, a grieving song sung by the surviving womanatees that causes any listener to spiral into sadness. The prologue does an amazing job at showing what a truly black hearted creature the she-dragon is, and she immediately becomes the one you root against as the story progresses. During the dragon's dialogue, all her s's are extended into a long hiss, making her seem less human and more reptilian. This was another thing I really liked about this character because her unique style of dialogue made her seem even more alien and evil. Our second antagonist is Gal En Skasrend, the God of evil. This character is truly something else. He has no permanent, physical form. Instead, he takes the form of his attacker's worst fear. This element makes him even more terrifying than even the she-dragon, and van Vliet makes sure that the reader fears him just as much as the hounds do.

The overall narrative of this book was amazing too. It is written in such a way that, despite the complex plot, the book remains easy to follow and suitable for young readers like myself. Another thing that I liked was the fact that the book ended on a cliff hanger (I will not spoil it for you, don't worry!) This cliffhanger kind of annoyed me though, because I am literally DYING to find out what happens next!!!!!!

Overall, the Battle for Arohanui is a wonderful addition to the fantasy genre. It is a book suitable for all ages and is truly worth reading. I can't wait for the next book!!!!!