Monday, 14 December 2015

Battle For Arohanui: Favourite Characters

Yesterday I asked the question who are your favourite characters. I spoke of one of my favourite characters which is of course Mad Maisey Mayhem. Another of my favourites is Sir Ocho! He is self effacing, unlike many of the other knights he doesn't have great self belief but when called upon to save others he is able to tap into a well, deep inside of himself and find the the strength he needs to set aside his self doubts and be truly great. It is something we all need to strive to and achieve if we are to live up to our potential and fulfill  our true purpose on this earth, just as Ocho did.

I think Sir Finn says it best and here I will let him speak in his own words;

“Ocho!” Finn’s stern voice chastised. “You do not believe in yourself. You will never achieve greatness if you do not believe in yourself. It is not to others you need to prove yourself. It is to yourself.”
“And it is not you Finn who must try to do the impossible,” Ocho said looking at Finn sulkily.
“No it is not I. But nor is it impossible as Talisan has proven,” Finn countered. “Your battle is with your mind, not me young wizard. Put your efforts there. Remember what it felt like to be flying with Talisan. Through the air above the treetops. Remember also why it is so very important for you to let go of your ego and just be. Many lives depend upon you and you would do well to focus on them and not your own frustration. “

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Battle For Arohanui - Who's your favourite character?

With many folk out there now enjoying the tale of the hounds of Kuri Te Aroha, I a got to wondering who your favourite characters are? I have a few favourites one who always captures my heart is Mad Maisey Mayhem. Like Bridie I have a real soft spot for Maisey. She is vulnerable and broken but she is fiercely loyal to those she befriends. None shall lay harm on the princess while Maisey is around.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Battle For Arohanui

Well finally I am up with the rest of the world and am on twitter. Follow me now @AmandavanVliet2 . Absolutely love a new challenge :)

Battle For Arohanui - Reader review

Good morning! Haven't be on the computer at home much. Why, you ask? Because I could not put down the most wonderful book I have read in a VERY long time. I finished it this morning. I could not put it down. Breaks at work, lunch, mornings as I awake (like today) and evenings. What is this marvelous book? "BATTLE FOR AROHANUI" by AMANDA VAN VLIET. The same wonderful, most talented lady who painted my Murphy for me (see pic). It was absolutely wonderful. Evil and Good, mystical and romantic all in one book. With the characters of life being emulated in this book of fantasy. IT IS A MUST READ!
- Alisa Diamond

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Reader Review

I am so sorry that I have not been posting regularly at the moment. I have been very caught up in life as everyone else is at this time of the year. I do want to share a  reader review with you thought from a dear friend who has recently completed Battle For Arohanui.

This is my friend Amanda van Vliet's book.
I highly recommend reading it.
For anyone who likes pure poetry and a wonderful story about love, life and fantasy, this book is a must have for any discerning reader.
Or a terrific Christmas gift.
Well done, Amanda. Proud to call such a talented woman my friend. - Pia Wiesen
Thank you so much Pia.