Monday, 23 November 2015

Battle For Arohanui - Foxglove.

As the ladies trotted in single file through the woodlands, the constant fluttering of fantail wings rustling the leaves above them was lending to the air of impending doom. Bridie had always found the company of the faeries in their bird form to be comforting but now, with her heightened state of vigilance, she found them anything but reassuring.
“Those faeries are starting to creep me out,” Liffey said, putting words to Bridie’s feelings. “Do they have to flutter around in the leaves above our heads like that?”
One of the little birds suddenly flitted right in front of Liffey’s face. Transforming into her faerie form she pointed out they were doing the queen’s bidding. She made sure to also point out it was they who had discovered the wolves and reported them to the queen.
“It is not that we do not want you with us, it is just the constant fluttering,” Liffey said agitatedly. “How are we supposed to hear if there is danger stalking us. Or for that matter, goddess forbid, the rush of butterfly wings if all we can hear is you lot fluttering?”
The faeries all dropped below the leaf line of the trees but continued to flutter above the hounds’ heads. Liffey looked at Bridie and rolled her eyes but was not willing to put further voice to her irritation.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Battle For Arohanui - Reader Review

Battle for Arohanui is a novel so compelling that I stayed up late to finish reading it and I read it in one sitting! The book has everything - drama, humor, action, mythology, wisdom and romance. Those who have, or are owned, by Irish Wolfhounds will smile in recognition of their distinctive behaviors reflected in the actions of the various characters. The water colors are a delightful addition and I hope further installments will have more artwork.- Karen Bell

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Battle For Arohanui

Hoping to get an ebook version of Battle For Arohanui out in the next few weeks. I am working on it at present.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Battle For Arohanui - On Amazon

Battle for Arohanui is now available through Amazon and Barns&Noble... So exciting to see it listed there :)

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Battle For Arohanui - First copies arrive at their destination!

I was so very happy to learn that my Editor has received the very first copies of Battle For Arohanui. I do not even have my copy yet but I am very happy that one of the team has the first ever copies. Yay!!!!
For all those who have ordered keep an eye on your letterbox as they are on their way :)
 - Amanda -

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Exciting times!

I am so excited. The first orders have been shipped and now I cannot wait for them to arrive! Hope you all enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it :) - Amanda